Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hello Sunday

Happy Sunday all!

I pray you all are extremely blessed.  As I am chilling out in my bedroom (no church services this week) I can't help but to think about this past week and how blessed I am.  Everything did not go as planned but all things work together for my good so I am joyful in that and I praise God for the blessings he has in store for my family.

Now, I want to know how your week is going?  What are you trusting God for? I'm trusting him for a new job! I'm ready to put my degree to good use lol.  I am also praying for a new vehicle(van) and a new a place to live.  My hubby and I and talking a a semi major move so I will be looking into that.

Many blessings and love from me to you!

Have an awesomely fantastic week

Friday, June 19, 2015

I do not look like your typical Christian

June 19, 2015

Hello world!!

I hope you have all been extremely blessed these last couple of weeks.  I know I just started this blog but I had to take a quick pause and travel down to North Carolina to honor the life and legacy of my Bishop who passed on to glory.  As difficult a time that was I take heart in knowing he is with our Lord and Savior and by his grace I will see him again. Although I traveled to NC for a home-going I was able to see my best friend of 20+ years and stay with her and her amazing family. I also saw people I haven't seen in years so it was like a family reunion.

Now on to the why I decided to sit down and type today. I wanted to express my thoughts about what a Christian is "suppose" to look like. I was talking to my bestie about this very topic and it had been on my mind for sometime. I was debating on if I should make a video on it (YT: Kianna Lane) or blog. Since I have a few minutes I decided to blog.

When you see a person what identifies them as being a Christian? Is it our walk, talk, general appearance? The general answer is all of those things but what about those who have tattoos, piercings, ride skate boards to church?  For example I have long dreadlocks and have peircings (11 in total). I paint my nails and I wear pants, does that make me any less a Christian than someone who has none of these things? I notice a lot of people who judge on the outward appearance and not the heart. We must realize that Christians do not all look alike and we should not judge their walks with Christ based on how many tattoos they have. Lets embrace one another just as our heavenly father embraces us.

Be blessed
